Another idea would be to be able to designate what the monitor area held and then have the option to make that collection of meters with their gain grab handles appear as the larger transparent meter/gain adjusts. This would be the most flexible way I think to get started. It would also be great if each meter had the corresponding gain adjust grab handle like you have on the Monitor meters. It could be set up as side by side with some manageable number of empty slots, say six to ten across the full window width that could be populated by adding some means of selecting the slot with the small meter you wanted to show on a large slot from either a VST slot gain meter, a rack output gain meter or an output route gain meter from one of the above. Application is developed on WinForms with. A volume unit (VU) meter or standard volume indicator (SVI) is a device displaying a representation of the signal level in audio equipment. Just my 2 cents … The best model I think would be vertical but available as an overlay so it can be adjusted from medium sized to fairly tall say 80% of total window height and with transparency adjustments so you can see the main screen beneath if you want. Perfect Release, Shot Meter Type Best Jumpshot for Any Player Build. Volume Unit (VU) meter displaying audio signal level.